Job Description
Teachers with PhDs often work in small colleges and universities, and community colleges. The number one priority of these faculty is to encourage and mentor the growth of students through teaching. Classroom teaching requires preparing, assigning, reviewing and evaluating course materials, such as lectures, coursework, and examinations. More senior faculty will also design their own courses and will have administrative roles, such as overseeing departments and faculty hires. Small colleges and universities will often expect the professor to maintain a small research lab. While these labs are expected to produce papers, the primary goal is undergraduate training. Therefore, the lab needs to have approaches that can be taught to, and carried out by, undergraduates without expensive equipment. Acquiring tenure in these smaller institutions is based on quality of teaching as well as productive research. Larger research institutions occasionally have faculty who are hired for teaching positions, who may still maintain a lab. A professor at a teaching institution requires >40 hours per week and salary ranges from $40k for an entry-level position to $120K for a more senior-level position.
Motivating and teaching students
Proficient in verbal and written communication
Organizational skills
Types of Positions
Visiting professor
Adjunct professor
Assistant to Full Professor
Community colleges
Small liberal arts colleges
Mid-sized to large universities
Write Grants: apply for grants from both internal and external funding sources
Publish: primary research papers, review articles, response/commentary articles
Mentor: undergraduates at UMN or in summer research programs; graduate students
Teach: complete Preparing Future Faculty coursework; TA, guest lecture or instruct courses at UMN or local colleges
Present: posters and talks at conferences and local symposia
Service: serve on University committees, volunteer at GPN sponsored events (State Fair, Science Museum, Brain Awareness Week, Brain Bee)
Application Process
CV (teaching experience and publication record)
Teaching philosophy
Research statement
Career Progression
PhD --> postdoc(s) --> faculty position (tenure track: assistant professor à associate professor à full professor). Career progression is dependent on productivity of research laboratory and competence as instructor. On average it takes 5-7 years to reach associate professor from assistant and ~15 years to full professorship.
Twin Cities Companies
University of Minnesota
Augsburg College
Bethel University
University of St. Thomas
Macalester College
Hamline University
St. Catherine University
Normandale Community College
North Hennipen Community College
St. Paul College
UMN Resources
Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
Preparing future faculty courses:http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/graduate/pff/courses/
Preparing future faculty retreat:http://www1.umn.edu/ohr/teachlearn/graduate/pff/retreat/index.html
External Resources
Funding database