Marcela Maldonado (Barajas)
Ph.D. 2009
Thesis Title:
Arp2/3 actin binding protein complex, a regulator for dendritic spine maturation
Current Position:
Quality Control Principle Analyst, Prolacta Bioscience, California
Major Advisor:
Lorene Lanier, Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Maldonado M, Kapphahn RJ, Terluk MR, Heuss ND, Yuan C, Gregerson DS, Ferrington DA. Immunoproteasome deficiency modifies the alternative pathway of NFκB signaling. PLoS One. 2013;8(2):e56187.
- Ferrington DA, Roehrich H, Chang AA, Huang CW, Maldonado M, Bratten W, Rageh AA, Heuss ND, Gregerson DS, Nelson EF, Yuan C. Corneal wound healing is compromised by immunoproteasome deficiency. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e54347.
- Hussong SA, Roehrich H, Kapphahn RJ, Maldonado M, Pardue MT, Ferrington DA. Decreased retinal function in immunoproteasome knock-out mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011;52:714-23
- Hussong SA, Kapphahn RJ, Phillips SL, Maldonado M, Ferrington DA. Immunoproteasome deficiency alters retinal proteasome's response to stress. J. Neurochem. 2010;113(6):1481-1490.