Bruno Averbeck
Ph.D. 2001
Thesis Title:
Neural Activity Related to the Copying of Geometrical Shapes
Current Position:
Principal Investigator, National Institute of Health
Major Advisor:
Apostolos Georgopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Caminiti R, Chafee MV, Battaglia-Mayer A, Averbeck BB, Crowe DA, Georgopoulos AP. Understanding the parietal lobe syndrome from a neurophysiological and evolutionary perspective. Eur J Neurosci. 2010;31(12):2320-40.
- Averbeck BB, Crowe DA, Chafee MV, Georgopoulos AP. Differential contribution of superior parietal and dorsal-lateral prefrontal cortices in copying. Cortex. 2009;45(3):432-41.
- Crowe DA, Averbeck BB, Chafee MV, Georgopoulos AP. Dynamics of parietal neural activity during spatial cognitive processing. Neuron. 2005;47(6):885-91.
- Chafee MV, Crowe DA, Averbeck BB, Georgopoulos AP. Neural correlates of spatial judgement during object construction in parietal cortex. Cereb Cortex. 2005;15(9):1393-413.
- Averbeck BB, Chafee MV, Crowe DA, Georgopoulos AP. Parietal representation of hand velocity in a copy task. J Neurophysiol. 2005;93(1):508-18.
- Crowe DA, Chafee MV, Averbeck BB, Georgopoulos AP. Participation of primary motor cortical neurons in a distributed network during maze solution: representation of spatial parameters and time-course comparison with parietal area 7a. Exp Brain Res. 2004;158(1):28-34.
- Averbeck BB, Crowe DA, Chafee MV, Georgopoulos AP. Neural activity in prefrontal cortex during copying geometrical shapes. II. Decoding shape segments from neural ensembles. Exp Brain Res. 2003;150(2):142-53.
- Averbeck BB, Chafee MV, Crowe DA, Georgopoulos AP. Neural activity in prefrontal cortex during copying geometrical shapes. I. Single cells encode shape, sequence, and metric parameters. Exp Brain Res. 2003;150(2):127-41.
- Averbeck BB, Chafee MV, Crowe DA, Georgopoulos AP. Parallel processing of serial movements in prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2002;99(20):13172-7.
- Chafee MV, Averbeck BB, Crowe DA, Georgopoulos AP. Impact of path parameters on maze solution time. Arch Ital Biol. 2002;140(3):247-51.
- Crowe DA, Averbeck BB, Chafee MV, Anderson JH, Georgopoulos AP. Mental maze solving. J Cogn Neurosci. 2000 Sep;12(5):813-27.