Terence Burns
Thesis Title:
Stem Cells in Ischemic Brain Injury
Current Position:
Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery, Assistant Professor Neuroscience, Department of Neurologic Surgery, Mayo Clinic
Former Position:
Resident, Neurological Surgery, School of Medicine, Stanford University
Undergraduate Institution and Major/Degree:
Columbia Union College, Takoma Park, BS in Biology and Biochemistry
Major Advisor(s):
- Walter C. Low, Ph.D.
- Catherine Verfaillie, M.D.
Research Description:
My current interests include the ability of Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells from bone marrow to generate neurons in vitro and in vivo, and their behavior in a mouse model of stroke. Although neural differentiation of bone marrow-derived cells is highly controversial, preliminary evidence suggests that MAPCs have certain properties of embryonic stem cells, and may be capable of neural differentiation, though further work is needed to confirm this. In the injured brain, MAPCs migrate robustly toward areas of ischemia where they proliferate to replace the infarct area. The functional implications and mechanisms of this behavior are under investigation. Additional interests include the behavior of endogenous neural stem cells, and the potential to mobilize these for treatment of CNS injury or degeneration.
Conferences Attended and Presentations:
- Society for Neuroscience: 2003, 2005
- American Society for Nuerochemistry, Madison, WI, June 28, 2005
Selected Publications:
- Burns TC, Verfaillie CM. From mice to mind: Strategies and progress in translating neuroregeneration. Eur J Pharmacol. 2015;759:90-100.
- Lo Nigro A, Geraerts M, Notelaers T, Roobrouck VD, Muijtjens M, Eggermont K, Subramanian K, Ulloa-Montoya F, Park Y, Owens J, Burns TC, Low W, Sharma S, Sohni A, Crabbe A, Pauwelyn K, Roelandt P, Agirre X, Prosper F, O'Brien TD, Zwijsen A, Hu WS, Binas B, Verfaillie CM. MAPC culture conditions support the derivation of cells with nascent hypoblast features from bone marrow and blastocysts. J Mol Cell Biol. 2012;4:423-6.
- Loya JJ, Mindea SA, Yu H, Venkatasubramanian C, Chang SD, Burns TC. Intracranial hypotension producing reversible coma: a systematic review, including three new cases. J Neurosurg. 2012;117:615-628.
- Burns T, Loya JJ, Singh H. Images in Neurosurgery: Neurocysticercosis. CNS Congress Quarterly.2012;13:(1):33.
- Khan N, Achrol AS, Guzman R, Burns TC, Dodd R, Bell-Stephens T, Steinberg GK. Sex differences in clinical presentation and treatment outcomes in Moyamoya disease. Neurosurgery. 2012;71:587-93.
- Burns TC, Gary K. Steinberg GK. Stem cells and stroke: opportunities, challenges and strategies. Expert Opin Biol Ther. 2011;11:447-61.
- Dodd KW*, Burns TC*, Wiesner SM, Kudishevich E, Schomberg DT, Jung B-W, Kim J-E, Ohlfest JR, Low WC. Transgenic mice expressing luciferase under a 4.5 kb tyrosine hydroxylase promoter. Cureus.2011;3:(8):e34.
- Burns T, Power D, Neher JO. Risk factors for carotid and vertebral artery dissection. Evidence-Based Practice. 2009:12(3) 8.
- Burns TC, Verfaillie CM, Low WC. Stem cells for ischemic brain injury: A critical review. J Comp Neurol. 2009;515(1):125-44.
- Michaeli S, Burns TC, Kudishevich E, Harel N, Hanson T, Sorce DJ, Garwood M, Low WC. Detection of neuronal loss using T(1rho) MRI assessment of (1)H(2)O spin dynamics in the aphakia mouse. J Neurosci Methods. 2009;177(1):160-7.
- Burns TC, Rodriguez GJ, Patel S, Hussein HM, Georgiadis AL, Lakshminarayan K, Qureshi AI. Endovascular interventions following intravenous thrombolysis may improve survival and recovery in patients with acute ischemic stroke: a case-control study. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2008;29(10):1918-24
- Naylor MC, Negia M, Noetzel M, Burns TC, Demorest ZL, Low WC. Heparan sulfate mediates neuroprotection from degeneration in experimental glutaric aciduria. Cell Transplant. 2007;16:187-95.
- Serafini M, Dylla SJ, Oki M, Heremans Y, Tolar J, Jiang Y, Buckley SM, Pelacho B, Burns TC, Frommer S, Rossi DJ, Bryder D, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A, O'Shaughnessy MJ, Nelson-Holte M, Fine GC, Weissman IL, Blazar BR, Verfaillie CM. Hematopoietic reconstitution by multipotent adult progenitor cells: precursors to long-term hematopoietic stem cells. J Exp Med. 2007;204(1):129-39.
- Burns TC, Ortiz-González XR, Gutiérrez-Pérez M, Keene CD, Sharda R, Demorest ZL, Jiang Y, Nelson-Holte M, Soriano M, Nakagawa Y, Luquin MR, Garcia-Verdugo JM, Prósper F, Low WC, Verfaillie CM. Thymidine analogs are transferred from prelabeled donor to host cells in the central nervous system after transplantation: a word of caution. Stem Cells. 2006;24(4):1121-7
Awards and Honors:
- Selected to participate in Route28 summit in neurobiology, Germany (2007)
- Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota (2006-2007)
- American Society for Neural Therapy and Repair Travel Award (2006)
- Hough Parkinson's Grant Recipient - $63,000 (2005-2006)
- Society For Neuroscience Predoctoral Travel Award (2005)
- BMEI Tissue Engineering Fellowship (2004-2005)
- Smithberg Memorial Prize for outstanding achievement in neuroscience (2004)
- Chancellor's List (Who's Who Among Graduate Students; 2004, 2005)
- 3M Science and Technology fellowhip (2003-2007)
Home Town:
- Glenelg, NSW Australia