Anna Radke (Harrison)
Thesis Title:
Neural Mechanisms of Anxiety During Opiate Withdrawal: Role of the Ventral Tegmental Area and Extended Amygdala
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Miami University, Department of Psychology
Undergraduate Institution and Major/Degree:
St. Olaf College, BA, Biology, 2006
Major Advisor(s):
Jonathan Gewirtz, Ph.D.
Research Description:
Anxiety is a common symptom reported during opiate withdrawal. In the Gewirtz lab, I am investigating the neural substrates of this negative affective state. Our primary model is the withdrawal-potentiated startle phenomenon in which withdrawal from an acute dose of morphine results in potentiation of the acoustic startle reflex. Current focus is on the role of corticotropin-releasing factor, norepinephrine, and dopamine systems.
Lab Rotations:
- Yasushi Nakagawa
- Marilyn Carroll
- Jonathan Gewirtz
Courses Taken Beyond the Core Courses:
- Statistics 5303: Designing Experiments
- Psychology 5012: Learning & Cognition in Animals
- Psychology 5064: Brain and Emotion
- Psychology 8061: Neuropsychopharmacology
- Graduate School 8101: Teaching in Higher Education
Graduate Level Minor:
- Supporting Program
Committee Members:
- Jonathan Gewirtz
- William Engeland
- Mark Thomas
- Marilyn Carroll
Conferences Attended:
- Society for Neuroscience annual meeting - Fall 2006-2009
- International Narcotics Research Conference 2009
Selected Publications:
- Radke AK, Gewirtz JC, Carroll ME. Effects of age, but not sex, on elevated startle during withdrawal from acute morphine in adolescent and adult rats. Behav Pharmacol. 2015;26:485-8
- Holtz NA, Radke AK, Zlebnik NE, Harris AC, Carroll ME. Intracranial self-stimulation reward thresholds during morphine withdrawal in rats bred for high (HiS) and low (LoS) saccharin intake. Brain Res. 2015 Mar 30;1602:119-26.
- Radke AK, Zlebnik NE, Carroll ME. Cocaine withdrawal in rats selectively bred for low (LoS) versus high (HiS) saccharin intake. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2015;129:51-5.
- Radke AK, Holtz NA, Gewirtz JC, Carroll ME. Reduced emotional signs of opiate withdrawal in rats selectively bred for low (LoS) versus high (HiS) saccharin intake. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2013;227(1):117-26.
- Radke AK, Gewirtz JC. Increased dopamine receptor activity in the nucleus accumbens shell ameliorates anxiety during drug withdrawal. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2012;37(11):2405-15
- Radke AK, Rothwell PE, Gewirtz JC. An anatomical basis for opponent process mechanisms of opiate withdrawal. J Neurosci. 2011;31:7533-7539.
- Gewirtz JC, Radke AK. (2010). Effects of stress on learning and memory. In: Koob G.F., Le Moal M. and Thompson R.F. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2010 ,Vol. 1, pp. 461–468 Oxford: Academic Press.
- Radke AK. The role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in learning to fear. J Neurosci. 2009;29(49):15351-2
- Engelmann JE, Radke AK, Gewirtz JC. Potentiated startle as a measure of the negative affective consequences of repeated exposure to nicotine in rats. Psychopharmacology 2009;207:3-25.
- Radke AK. The role of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis in learning to fear. The Journal of Neuroscience 2009;29:15351-15352.
- Radke AK, Gewirtz JC. Effects of CRF receptor subtype antagonists on opiate withdrawal-potentiated startle. Society for Neuroscience Conference. November 2008. 765.4.
Professional Memberships:
- Society for Neuroscience
Awards and Honors:
- Center for Cognitive Sciences Training Grant 2007-2010
- Charles and Dorothy Bird Award presented by UMN Chapter of Sigma Xi, 2009
Home Town:
- Cary, IL