Joseph Fullmer
Ph.D. 2004
Thesis Title:
Identification of the Target Glycoproteins of the Lectin IB4
Current Position:
Assistant Professor of Pathology, Assistant Director of Neuropathology/Muscle Pathology, Associate Residency Program Director of Pathology, SUNY Upstate Medical University, Syracuse, NY
Former Position(s):
Clinical Instructor/Surgical Pathology Fellow, Department of Pathology, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Major Advisor(s):
Robert Elde, Ph.D
Selected Publications:
- Fullmer JM, Riedl MS, Williams FW, Sandrin M, Elde R. Enzymes that synthesize the IB4 Epitope are not sufficient to impart IB4 binding in dorsal root ganglia of rat. J Comp Neurol. 2007;501:70-82.
- Fullmer J, Lindahl AW, Bahn R, Mariash CN. The possible contribution of the anti-gal antibody to Graves’ Disease. Thyroid, 2005;15(11):1239-43.
- Fullmer, JM, Riedl MS, Higgins, L, Elde R. Identification of some lectin IB4 binding proteins in rat dorsal root ganglia. Neuroreport. 2004;15(11)1705-9.