Elizabeth Jansen
Ph.D. 1997
Thesis Title:
Neonatal Hypoxic-Ischemic Brain Injury
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Biology, Macalester College
Major Advisor(s):
Walter Low, Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Jansen EM, Solberg L, Underhill S, Wilson S, Cozzari C, Hartman BK, Faris PL, Low WC. Transplantation of fetal neocortex ameliorates sensorimotor and locomotor deficits following neonatal ischemic-hypoxic brain injury in rats, Exp Neurol. 1997;147(2):487-497.
- Jansen EM, Low WC. Quantitative analysis of contralateral hemisphere hypertrophy and sensorimotor performance in adult rats following unilateral neonatal ischemic-hypoxic brain injury. Brain Res. 1996;708:93-99.
- Jansen EM, Low WC. Long-term effects of neonatal ischemic-hypoxic brain injury on sensorimotor and locomotor tasks in rats. Behav Brain Res. 1996;78(2):189-94.
- Blount JP, Kondoh T, Jansen EM, Pundt L, Low WC. Immunobiology of neural transplants and functional incorporation of grafted dopamine neurons. Behav Brain Sci. 1995;18:48-49.
- Jansen EM, Low WC. Plasticity and Reorganization in Neural Injury and Neural Grafting. In: Threats to Optimal Development: Integrating Biological, Psychological and Social Risk Factors, C.A. Nelson (Ed.), New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Press, 1994.
- Jansen EM, Haycock DA, Ward SJ, Seybold VS. Distribution of cannabinoid receptors in rat brain determined with aminoalkylindoles. Brain Res. 1992;575:93-102.
Honors and Awards:
- 1992 and 1995, President's Leadership and Service Award, University of Minnesota
- 1993-1996, Individual Pre-Doctoral National Research Service Award, National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health
- 1996, Patrick J Manning Research Award