Therese Amos
Ph.D. 1993
Thesis Title:
Reorganization of the CNS of the Moth Manduca sexta
Major Advisor(s):
Karen Mesce, Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Amos, T. M., Gelman, D.B., and Mesce, K. A. (1996) Steroid hormone fluctuations regulate ganglionic fusion in the moth, Manduca sexta. J. Insect.Physiol.. 42(6):579-591.
- V. Iwanij, T. M. Amos and C.J. Billington (1994) Identification and characterization of the glucagon receptor from adipose tissue. Molec. Cell Endocrinol. 101:257-261.
- Amos, T. M., and Mesce, K. A. (1994) Reorganization of the ventral nerve cord in the moth, Manduca sexta (L.) (Lepidoptera : Sphingidae) Int. J. Insect Morphol. & Embryol. 23 (1):27-37.
- Mesce, K. A., Amos, T. M., Clough, S. M. (1993) A light insensitive method for contrast enhancement of insect neurons filled with a cobalt-lysine complex. Biotech. Histochem. 68(4):222-8.