Erwin Ferri
Thesis Title:
Orexin and NPY Interactions in Feeding Behavior
Current Position:
Grant Writing Associate, Elsa Luis and Associates, LLC
Former Position:
Federal Programs, Municipality of Guayama, Puerto Rico
Undergraduate Institution and Major/Degree:
Interamerican University , BA, Psychology, 2004
Major Advisor(s):
- Catherine Kotz, Ph.D.
- Charles Billington
Research Description:
Obesity research has provided evidence of diseases impacted by abnormal feeding behavior. These included atherosclerosis, cancer and diabetes. Hypothalamic nuclei such as the Paraventricular nucleus (PVN) and the Lateral Hypothalamic nucleus (LHA) both regulate food consumption.
Central administration of the neuropeptide Orexin in the LHA increases food intake with subsequent c-Fos in the PVN. By investigating the effects and interactions of these two nuclei and their pathways we hope to find potential avenues that may lead to drugs and methods that may block or lesson over-consumption.
Lab Rotations:
- Paul Letourneau
- Lihsia Chen
- Jose Pardo
- Catherine Kotz
Graduate Level Minor:
- Psychology
Conferences Attended and Presentations:
- Society for Neuroscience Conference - Fall 2005
Awards and Honors:
- D.O.V.E Fellowship Award (2005)
Professional Memberships:
- Society for Neuroscience
Home Town:
- Sabana Grande, Puerto Rico