Thomas Naselaris
Ph.D. 2005
Thesis Title:
Mapping of Preferred Directions in Primary Motor Cortex
Current Position:
Associate Professor
Department of Neuroscience
Medical University of South Carolina
Major Advisor(s):
Apostolos P. Georgopoulos, M.D., Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- St-Yves G, Allen, EJ, Wu Y, Kay K*, & Naselaris T*. Brain-optimized neural networks learn non-hierarchical models of representation in human visual cortex bioRxiv 2022.01.21.477293.
- Allen EJ, St-Yves G, Wu Y, Breedlove JL, Prince JS, Dowdle LT, Nau M, Caron B, Pestilli F, Charest I, Hutchinson JB, Naselaris T, Kay K. A massive 7T fMRI dataset to bridge cognitive neuroscience and artificial intelligence. Nat Neurosci. 2022 Jan;25(1):116-126.
- Mell MM, St-Yves G, Naselaris T. Voxel-to-voxel predictive models reveal unexpected structure in unexplained variance. Neuroimage. 2021 Sep;238:118266.
- Naselaris T, Olman CA, Stansbury DE, Ugurbil K, Gallant JL. A voxel-wise encoding model for early visual areas decodes mental images of remembered scenes. Neuroimage. 2014;105C:215-228.
- Naselaris T, Stansbury D, Gallant JL. Cortical representation of animate and inanimate objects in complex natural scenes. J Physiol Paris. 2012;106(5-6):239-49.
- Nishimoto S, Vu AT, Naselaris T, Benjamini Y, Yu B, Gallant JL. Reconstructing visual experiences from activity evoked by natural scenes. Curr Biol., 2011;21:1641-1646.
- Vu VQ, Ravikumar P, Naselaris T, Kay KN., Gallant JL, Yu B. Encodin and decoding V1 fMRI responses to natural images with sparse nonparametric mode Ann Appl Statist. 2011;5:1159-1182.
- Naselaris T, Kay KN, Nishimoto S, Gallant JL. Encoding and decoding in fMRI. NeuroImage. 2011;56:400-410.
- Naselaris T, Prenger RJ., Kay KN, Oliver MD., Gallant JL. Bayesian reconstruction of natural images from human brain activity. Neuron 2009;63:902-915.
- Ravikumar P, Vu VQ, Yu B, Naselaris T, Kay KN, Gallant JL. Nonparametric sparse hierarchical models describe V1 fMRI responses to natural images. Neural Inform Proc Sys. 2009;21:1337-1344.
- Merchant H, Naselaris T, Georgopoulos AP. Dynamic sculpting of direction tuning in the primate motor cortex during three-dimensional reaching. J Neurosci. 2008;28:9164-9172.
- Kay KN, Naselaris T, Prenger RJ, Gallant JL. Identifying natural image from human brain activity. Nature. 2008;452:352-355.
- Georgopoulos AP, Merchant H, Naselaris T, Amirikian B. Mapping of th preferred direction in the motor cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2007;104:11068-11072.
- Georgopoulos AP, Naselaris T, Merchant H, Amirikian B. Reply to Kurtz and Herter. Journal of Neurophysiol. 2007;97:4391-4392.