Mark Brady
Ph.D. 1999
Thesis Title:
Psychophysical Investigations of Incomplete Forms and Forms with Backgrounds
Current Position:
Assistant Professor
Department of Psychology
North Dakota State University
Major Advisor:
Daniel Kersten, Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Hauffen K, Bart E, Brady M, Kersten D, Hegdé J. Creating objects and object categories for studying perception and perceptual learning. J Vis Exp. 2012 Nov 2;(69):e3358.
- Hegdé J, Thompson SK, Brady M, Kersten D. Object recognition in clutter: cortical responses depend on the type of learning. Front Hum Neurosci. 2012 Jun 19;6:170
- Brady MJ, Kersten D. Bootstrapped learning of novel objects. J Vis. 2003;3(6):413-22.
Conference and Other Presentations:
- Brady MJ, Kersten D, Ziegenhagen S. (2002). Learning to segment and recognize novel objects evolves in parallel. Paper presented at the Vision Sciences Society, 2nd Anual Meeting, Sarasota Florida.
- Brady MJ, Ziegenhagen S, Kersten D. (2002). Learning to recognize novel camouflaged objects. Paper presented at the Third Annual Computational Neuroscience Symposium: Visual Processing of Natural Images, Minneapolis, MN.
- Brady M, Kersten D. (2000). The Camouflage Challenge, from http://gandalf.psych.umn.edu/~kersten/kersten-lab/camouflage/camouflageChallenge.html
- Brady M J, Kersten DJ. (2000). Temporal asymmetries of illusory contour formation. Paper presented at the IOVS, Fort Lauderdale, FL.