Jennifer Nagode
Ph.D. 2002
Thesis Title:
Neuroimaging Studies of the Role of Human Medial Temporal Lobe in Learning and Memory
Current Position:
Physician, Psychiatry, San Diego, CA
Major Advisor:
Jose Pardo, M.D., Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Jerde TA, Childs SK, Handy ST, Nagode JC, Pardo JV. Dissociable systems of working memory for rhythm and melody. Neuroimage. 2011;57(4):1572-9.
- Hurliman E, Nagode JC , Pardo JV. Double dissociation of exteroceptive and interoceptive feedback systems in the orbital and ventromedial prefrontal cortex of humans. J Neurosci. 2005;25(18):4641-8.
- Dickhaut J, McCabe K, Nagode JC , Rustichini A, Smith K, Pardo JV. The impact of the certainty context on the process of choice. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2003;100(6):3536-41.
- Nagode JC. Pardo JV. Human hippocampal activation during transitive inference. NeuroReport. 2002;13(7):939-44.