What the Student Board does for GPN Students:
The primary function of the GPN Student Board is to act as a communication conduit and information source for GPN students to help keep them informed on important issues and to organize student initiatives. One student representative from each graduate class is elected to the Board, allowing for efficient communication of information throughout the GPN student body. The Board meets monthly to discuss current issues and initiatives, where it discusses issues brought up by GPN Students, the DGS or others. Depending on the issue and its importance, an appropriate course of action is decided and acted upon. Some of the types of issues the Board discusses include student-originated initiatives, issues that potentially affect many or all GPN students and student involvement in major GPN activities (i.e., the Campus Visit). When appropriate, Board members request suggestions, opinions, and feedback from their respective classmates.
The Board also works closely with other GPN committees to endorse and publicize events throughout the year including the GPN Mentorship Committee for first year students and other social events.