Katie Wiens
Ph.D. 2006
Thesis Title:
Rac1 and Spinogenesis
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Molecular Biology and Neurobiology
Christopher Newport University
Major Advisor(s):
Dezhi Liao, M.D,, Ph.D.
Selected Publications:
- Kim J, Wu Q, Zhang,Z, Wiens KM, Huang Y, Rubin N, Shimada H, Handin RI, Chao M, Tuan TL, Starnes VA, Lien CL. PDGF signaling is required for epicardial function and new blood vessel formation in regenerating zebrafish hearts. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 2010;107:17206-17210.
- Wiens KM, Lee H, Shimada H, Metcalf A, Chao M, Lien CL. Platelet-derived growth factor receptor β is critical for zebrafish intersegmental vessel formation. PLoS ONE 2010;5(6): e11324.
- Liao D, Grigoriants OG, Wiens KM, Wang W, Loh HH, Law PY. Distinct effects of individual opioids on the morphology of spines depend upon the internalization of mu opioid receptors. Molec Cellul Neurosci. 2007;35:456-469.
- Wiens KM, Lin H, Liao D. Rac1 induces the clustering of AMPA receptors during spinogenesis. J Neurosci 2005;25:10627-10636.