Anna Meehan-Enright
Ph.D. 2011
Thesis Title:
The Mechanism of Action of the Antiepileptic Drug Levetiracatem
Undergraduate Institution and Major/Degree:
Univ. of Minnesota - Twin Cities; B.BME. (Biomedical Engineering); 2007
Major Advisor(s):
Steven Rothman
Lab Rotations:
- Timothy Ebner
- Donald Simone
- Steven Rothman
- Theoden Netoff
Courses Taken Beyond the Core Courses:
- BMEn 5101 – Advanced Bioelectricity and Instrumentation
- BMEn 5401 – Advanced Functional Biomedical Imaging
- BMEn 5444 – Muscle
- BMEN 5411 - Neural Engineering
- NSU 5667 - Neurobiology in Disease
- PUBH 7420 - Clinical Trials
- PHCL 5110 Introduction to Pharmacology
Graduate Level Minor:
- Supporting program focused on clinical neuroscience appSeletracetam enhances short term expression in vitro.
Selected Publications:
- Yang X, Meehan AL, Rothman SM, Dubinsky JM. Seletracetam enhances short term depression in vitro. Epilepsy Res. 2015;117:17-22.
- Meehan AL, Yang XF, Yuan L, Rothman SM. Levetiracetam has an activity-dependent effect on inhibitory transmission. Epilepsia. 2012;53:469-476.
- Meehan AL, Yang X, McAdams BD, Yuan L, Rothman SM. A new mechanism for antiepileptic drug action: vesicular entry may mediate the effects of levetiracetam. J Neurophysiol. 2011;106(3):1227-39.
Conferences Attended:
- Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting - 2007, 2008 , 2009
Awards and Honors:
- NIH Neuro-physical computational interdisciplinary graduate traineeship; 2008-2010
Professional Memberships:
- Society for Neuroscience
Home Town:
- Maple Plain , MN