Michael-Paul Schallmo
E-mail: [email protected]
Undergraduate Institution and Major/Degree:
University of Michigan; BS; Brain, Behavior, and Cognitive Science; 2009
Current Position:
Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota
Previous Position:
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Psychology, University of Washington
Major Advisor(s):
Cheryl Olman, Ph.D.
Research Description:
I am interested in using neuroimaging techniques to better understand how neural systems process visual information. More specifically, my work is focused on the neural mechanisms of perceptual suppression in both healthy adults and those with schizophrenia. My current projects involve the use of very high resolution functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and psychophysics, well as magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computational modeling. Link to Lab Website.
Lab Rotations:
- Cheryl Olman
- Angus MacDonald III
- Geoff Ghose
- Jose Pardo
Courses Taken Beyond the Core Courses:
- PSY 5036W - Computational Vision
- NSC 8217 - Systems and Computational Neuroscience Journal Club
- PSY 5063 - Introduction to Functional MRI
- PSY 5065 - Functional Imaging: Hands on Training
- MICA 8320 - Neurostatistics
- PSY 5031W - Perception
- Olman CA, Bao P, Engel SA, Grant AN, Purington C, Qiu C, Schallmo MP, Tjan BS. Hemifield columns co-opt ocular dominance column structure in human achiasma. Neuroimage. 2018 Jan 1;164:59-66.
- Schallmo M-P, Grant AN, Burton PC, Olman CA. The effects of orientation and attention during surround suppression of small image features: A 7 Tesla fMRI study. J Vis. 2016;16(1):2.
- Schallmo MP, Olman C, Sponheim S. Reduced contextual effects on visual contrast perception in schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. Psychol Med. 2015 Dec;45(16):3527-37.
- Schallmo MP, Kassel MT, Weisenbach SL, Walker SJ, Guidotti-Breting LM, Rao JA, Hazlett KE, Considine CM, Sethi G, Vats N, Pecina M, Welsh RC, Starkman MN, Giordani B, Langenecker SA. A new semantic list learning task to probe functioning of the Papez circuit. J Clin Exp Neuropsychol. 2015;37(8):816-33.
- Schallmo MP, Sponheim SR, Olman CA. Abnormal contextual modulation of visual contour detection in patients with schizophrenia. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 18;8(6):e68090.
- Langenecker SA, Weisenbach SL, Giordani B, Briceño EM, Guidotti Breting LM, Schallmo MP, Leon HM, Noll DC, Zubieta JK, Schteingart DE, Starkman MN. Impact of chronic hypercortisolemia on affective processing. Neuropharmacology. 2012;62(1):217-25.
- Olman CA, Pickett KA, Schallmo MP, Kimberley TJ. Selective BOLD responses to individual finger movement measured with fMRI at 3T. Hum Brain Mapp. 2012 Jul;33(7):1594-606.
- Vederman AC, Weisenbach SL, Rapport LJ, Leon HM, Haase BD, Franti LM, Schallmo MP, Saunders EF, Kamali MM, Zubieta JK, Langenecker SA, McInnis MG. Modality-specific alterations in the perception of emotional stimuli in bipolar disorder compared to healthy controls and major depressive disorder. Cortex. 2012 Sep;48(8):1027-34.
Conferences Attended and Presentations:
- Society for Neuroscience - Fall 2009, 2011
- Vision Sciences Society - Spring 2011, 2012
Awards and Honors:
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship
- UMN Graduate Program in Neuroscience Poppele Prize
- University of Minnesota Graduate School Fellowship
- Frederick M. Stark Travel Award - 2014
- 2014 Vision Training Grant (T32) at the University of Washington
Home Town:
- Farmington Hills, MI