Charles Hanson

Ph.D. 2001

Thesis Title:

Functional Mapping of the Rat Cerebellar Cortex Using pH Sensitive Dyes: An Optical Approach

Major Advisor(s):

Tim Ebner, M.D., Ph.D.

Current Position:


Former Position:

Starkey Laboratories

Selected Publications:

  • Hanson CL, Chen G, Ebner TJ. Role of climbing fibers in determining the spatial patterns of activation in the cerebellar cortex to peripheral stimulation: an optical imaging study. Neuroscience 2000;96:317-331.
  • Chen G, Hanson CL, Dunbar RL, Ebner TJ. Novel form of spreading acidification and depression in the cerebellar cortex demonstrated by neutral red optical imaging. J Neurophysiol. 1999;81:1992-1998.
  • Chen G, Hanson CL, Ebner TJ. Optical responses evoked by cerebellar surface stimulation in vivo using neutral red. Neuroscience. 1998;84(3):645-68.
  • Chen G, Hanson CL, Ebner TJ. Functional parasagittal compartments in the rat cerebellar cortex: an in vivo optical imaging study using neutral red. J Neurophysiol. 1996;76(6):4169-74.
Charles Hanson