Jacob Gable

Entering Class 2020

E-MAIL:  [email protected]

Undergraduate Institution and Major:

North Dakota State University - Fargo, B.S. in Psychology, 2018

Graduate Advisor

Aaron Kerlin, Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience

Graduate Publications

  • Farinella DM, Stanek S, Jayakumar H, Newman ZL, Gable J, Leger J, Kerlin A.. Two-dimensional electro-optical multiphoton microscopy. Neurophotonics. 2024;11(2):025005.

Graduate Presentations

  • Gable, J., Newman, Z., Young, S., Scheib, J., Bliese, S., Simco, N., and Kerlin, A. The role of input synchrony in the generation of dendritic representations of sensorimotor behavior. 2024 COSYNE, Lisbon, Portugal. 2024 CRCNS PI meeting, Minneapolis, MN.
  • Jayakumar, H., Warkentin, C., Farinella, D., Stanek, S., Newman, Z., Gable, J., Leger, J., and Kerlin, A. (2024). Improving the field-of-view of electro-optical two-photon microscopy. Presented at the BRAIN Initiative Conference, Bethesda, MD. 
  • Jayakumar, H., Farinella, D., Warkentin, C., Stanek, S., Gable, J., Newman, Z., Singla, S., Chakraborty, B., Leger, J., and Kerlin, A. (2023). Towards imaging millisecond computations with an electro-optical two-photon microscope. Presented at the BRAIN Initiative Conference, Bethesda, MD. 
  • Scheib, J., Gable, J., Newman, Z., Head, M., Jayakumar, H., Farinella, D., Dougen, B., Bliese, S., Young, S., and Kerlin, A. (2022). Dendritic coding of outcome in premotor cortex during motor learning. Presented at Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, CA.

Graduate Awards/Honors

MnDRIVE Graduate Fellowship in Neuromodulation 2023-2024

Undergraduate Publications

  • Khasabova IA, Gable J, Johns M, Khasabov SG, Kalyuzhny AE, Golovko MY, Golovko SA, Kiven S, Gupta K, Seybold VS, Simone DA. Inhibition of DAGLβ as a therapeutic target for pain in sickle cell disease. Haematologica. 2023;108(3):859. 
  • Balas B, Gable J, Pearson H. The effects of blur and inversion on the recognition of ambient face images. Perception. 2019;48(1):58-71.