Lisa Bellavance English

Ph.D. 1997

Thesis Title:

Role of the Pontine Parabrachial Nucleus in Noxious Peripheral Paw Inflammation in the Rat

Current Position:

Founder & Principal Medical Writer, Just Health Tech, LLC

Major Advisor:

Alvin Beitz., Ph.D.


Selected Publications:

  • Bellavance LL, Beitz AJ. Altered c-fos expression in the parabrachial nucleus in a rodent model of CFA-induced peripheral inflammation. J Comp Neurol. 1996;366(3):431-447.
  • Chapman PF, Bellavance LL. Induction of long-term potentiation in the basolateral amygdala does not depend on NMDA receptor activation. Synapse. 1992;11(4):310-318.

Books (Editorships):

  • English LB. (ed.) Combinatorial Library Methods and Protocols. The Humana Press. Totowa, NJ. August 2002.