Eric Stevens
Ph.D. 2007, M.D. 2009
Thesis Title:
How D-serine and glycine control NMDA receptors in the vertebrate retina
Current Position:
Ophthalmologist; Oroville, CA
Major Advisor(s):
Robert F. Miller, M.D.
Selected Publications:
- Gustafson EG, Stevens ES, Miller RF. Dynamic regulation of D-serine release in the vertebrate retina. J Physiol. 2015;593(4):843-56.
- Stevens ER, Gustafson EC, Miller RF. Glycine transport accounts for the differential role of glycine vs. D-serine at NMDA receptor coagonist sites in the salamander retina. Eur J Neurosci. 2010;31(5):808-16.
- Stevens ER, Gustafson EC, Sullivan SJ, Esguerra M, Miller RF. Light-evoked NMDA receptor-mediated currents are reduced by blocking D-serine synthesis in the salamander retina. Neuroreport. 2010;21(4):239-44
- Gustafson EC, Stevens ER, Wolosker H, Miller RF. Endogenous D-serine contributes to NMDA receptor sensitivity in the vertebrate retina. J. Neurophys. 2007;98(1):122-30.
- Stevens ER, Esguerra M, Kim PM, Newman EA, Snyder SH, Zahs KR, Miller RF. D-Serine and serine racemase are present in the vertebrate retina and contribute to the physiological activation of NMDA receptors. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 2003;100(11):6789-6794.
- Faris PL, Kim SW, Meller WH, Goodale RL, Hofbauer RD, Oakman SA, Howard LA, Stevens ER, Eckert ED, Hartman BK. Effect of ondansetron, a 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, on the dynamic association between bulimic behaviors and pain thresholds. Pain 1998;77(3):297-303.