Pierre-Gilles Henry , PhD
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Research Interests:
My group focuses on using Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) to understand brain function at the biochemical and cellular level, and to identify new biomarkers of brain disorders. Current research topics include:
1. Understanding how neurons and astrocytes cooperate metabolically to support neurotransmission. For this purpose, we perform tracer studies using 13C-labeled substrates and 13C MRS, which allows us to measure metabolic rates non-invasively in the brain in both neurons and astrocytes.
2. Developing new metabolic models to analyze 13C MRS data, particularly two-compartment neuronal-glial models to measure the "glutamate-glutamine cycle". This would provide a non-invasive measurement of glutamatergic neurotransmission.
3. Exploring the potential of hyperpolarized 13C for the study of brain metabolism and for the detection of tumors in brain and other tissues.
4. Developing new methodologies for 1H MRS and 1H MRSI at very high-field for the measurement of metabolite concentrations ("neurochemical profile") with improved spatial and temporal resolution.
gnetic resonance spectroscopy and 13C metabolic modeling right under your nose! NMR biomed. 2024;37(6):5156.
spective motion correction for cervical spinal cord MRS. Magn Reson Med. 2024;91(1):19-27.
MRI detects early-stage alterations and disease progression in Friedreich ataxia. Brain Commun. 2023;5(4):fcad196.
inal cord magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy detect early-stage alterations and disease progression in Friedreich ataxia. Brain Commun. 2022;4(5):fcac246.
natural history study to track brain and spinal cord changes in individuals with Friedreich's ataxia: TRACK-FA study protocol. PLoS One. 2022;17(11):e0269649.