Arthur C. Leuthold, Ph.D.
E-MAIL: [email protected]
Research Interests:
Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a noninvasive brain imaging method with very high temporal resolution and good spatial resolution. Weaknesses of MEG include low signal-to-noise ratio and difficulty in the interpretation of complex patterns of signal. Many systems level responses remain difficult to interpret because of these weaknesses. My work includes efforts to interpret these responses where currently available tools have fallen short: there remain many questions in systems-level functional brain imaging that are easy to ask but difficult to answer. The result of the work is the development and use of approaches to recording and analysis of data that fall outside standard methods.
Current interests include long term learning, variability in brain response due to many factors, and improved characterization of responses to simple stimuli or multimodal stimuli.
Selected Publications:
(For a comprehensive list of recent publications, refer to PubMed, a service provided by the National Library of Medicine.)
- Engdahl BE, James LM, Miller RD, Leuthold AC, Lewis SM, Carpenter AF, Georgopoulos AP. Brain function in Gulf War Illness (GWI) and associated mental health comorbidities. J Neurol Neuromedicine. 2018;3(4):24-34.
- James LM, Dolan S, Leuthold AC, Engdahl BE, Georgopoulos A, Georgopoulos AP. The effects of human leukocyte antigen DRB1*13 and apolipoprotein E on age-related variability of synchronous neural interactions in healthy women. EBioMedicine. 2018;35:288-294.
- Georgopoulos AP, James LM, Carpenter AF, Engdahl BE, Leuthold AC, Lewis SM. Gulf War illness (GWI) as a neuroimmune disease. Exp Brain Res. 2017;235(10):3217-3225.
- James LM, Engdahl BE, Leuthold AC, Georgopoulos AP. Brain correlates of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) protection in Gulf War Illness (GWI). EBioMedicine. 2016 Nov;13:72-79.
- Lewis SM, Vydrová RR, Leuthold AC, Georgopoulos AP. Cortical miscommunication after prenatal exposure to alcohol. Exp Brain Res. 2016;234(11):3347-3353.
- Engdahl BE, James LM, Miller RD, Leuthold AC, Lewis SM, Carpenter AF, Georgopoulos AP. A magnetoencephalographic (MEG) study of Gulf War Illness (GWI). EBioMedicine. 2016 Oct;12:127-132.
- James LM, Engdahl BE, Leuthold AC, Krueger RF, Georgopoulos AP. Pathological personality traits modulate neural interactions. Exp Brain Res. 2015;233(12):3543-52.
- Sakellaridi S, Christova P, Christopoulos V, Leuthold AC, Peponis J, Georgopoulos AP. Neural mechanisms underlying the exploration of small city maps using magnetoencephalography. Exp Brain Res. 2015;233(11):3187-200.
- James LM, Belitskaya-Lévy I, Lu Y, Wang H, Engdahl BE, Leuthold AC, Georgopoulos AP. Development and application of a diagnostic algorithm for posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychiatry Res. 2015;231(1):1-7.
Former Graduate Students:
Fred Langheim (Ph.D. 2004, Neuroscience, University of Minnesota).