Zachary Zeidler
PhD Thesis:
Site-specific hippocampal modulation in disease and health: Temporal lobe epilepsy
and cerebello-hippocampal influence.
Undergraduate Institution and Major:
Graduate Advisor:
Esther Krook-Magnuson, Ph.D, Department of Neuroscience
Description of Graduate Research:
The cerebellum, a canonically sensorimotor structure, is being increasingly appreciated for its relationship to cognitive brain areas and tasks. In particular, cerebellar modulation has been shown to influence hippocampal functioning in an epileptic brain. This finding has prompted my exploration of that relationship in a healthy brain, addressing such questions as which hippocampal populations respond to cerebellar activity, how does cerebellar modulation alter hippocampal neuronal dynamics, and what are the behavioral consequences of this activity. I utilize transgenic mice, optogenetics, calcium imaging, immunoprocessing, and a variety of behavioral tests to answer these questions.
Graduate Publications:
- Zeidler Z, Hoffmann K, Krook-Magnuson E. HippoBellum: acute cerebellar modulation alters hippocampal dynamics and function. J Neurosci. 2020:40(36):6910-6926.
- Zeidler Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Leintz C, Krook-Magnuson C, Netoff T, Krook-Magnuson E. Targeting the mouse ventral hippocampus in the intrahippocampal kainic acid model of temporal lobe epilepsy. eNeuro. 2018 Aug 8;5(4). pii: ENEURO.0158-18.2018.
- Zeidler Z, Krook-Magnuson E. Back to the dentate: Network changes of early- and late-born dentate granule cells. Epilepsy Curr. 2018 Jan-Feb;18(1):49-50.
- Zeidler Z, Krook-Magnuson E. One site to rule them all: Toward a master regulator of ictal activity. Epilepsy Curr. 2016;16:170–171.
Graduate Abstracts:
- Zeidler Z, Montes Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Krook-Magnuson E. Modulating the hippocampal network: acute cerebellar modulation and epileptic pathology. University of Minnesota Graduate Program in Neuroscience Annual Retreat. 02/10/2018. St. Paul, Minnesota.
- Zeidler Z, Montes Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Krook-Magnuson E. HippoBellum: Cerebellar modulation of hippocampal activity. 2018. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference, San Diego, CA.
- Zeidler Z, Montes Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Krook-Magnuson E. The HippoBellum: Cerebellar modulation of hippocampal activity. 2018. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Optogenetics and Imaging: Technology Development, Novel Applications, and Closing the Loop Between Models and Experiments, Newry, ME.
- Zeidler Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Leintz C, Allen CS, Krook-Magnuson C., Krook-Magnuson, E. Dorsal versus ventral hippocampus: does target location matter in the kainic acid mouse model of temporal lobe epilepsy? 2017. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience conference, Washington, D.C.
- Zeidler Z, Hoffman K, Krook-Magnuson E. The Hippo-Bellum: Effects of cerebellar modulation on hippocampal activity. 2017. Poster presented at the Gordon Research Conference on Novel Perspectives on Cerebellar Development, Physiology, and Disease, Lewiston, Maine.
- Zeidler Z, Brandt-Fontaine M, Leintz C, Allen CS, Netoff T, Krook-Magnuson E. Effects of Hippocampal subfield targeting on epileptic pathology in the IHKA mouse model. 2017. Poster presented at the International Conference for Technology and Analysis of Seizures, Minneapolis, MN
Graduate Awards:
- American Legion Brain Science Award 2019
- NINDS F31 Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 2018
- University of Minnesota Informatics Institute MnDRIVE Graduate Assistantship 2018
- Institute for Engineering in Medicine Walter Barnes Lang Fellowship 2017
- Biomedical Graduate Education and Research Travel Award 2017
- Morris-Smithberg Memorial Prize 2015
- NSF IGERT Neuroengineering Traineeship 2015
Graduate Committees:
- Career Facilitation Committe, 2016-2018
- Student Board Representative, 2015-2017
Professional Outreach:
- Science Museum of Minnesota. ‘Social Science: Undead Rising’. St. Paul, MN, 10/01/17.
- Minnesota State Fair: ‘Brain Booth’. St. Paul, MN, 8/26/17.
- Science Museum of Minnesota. ‘Social Science: Eye Candy.’ St. Paul, MN, 10/06/16.
- Brain Awareness Week, Minneapolis, MN, 2015
- Minnesota Science Museum: Science of Zombies, St. Paul, MN, 2015
Professional Internships:
- Advanced Professional Degree Consulting Club, Minneapolis, MN. 2016
Professional Memberships:
- Society for Neuroscience, 2012 – current
Thesis Committee Members:
- David Redish Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience (Chair)
- Esther Krook-Magnuson, PhD., Department of Neuroscience
- Timothy Ebner, MD, Ph.D., Department of Neuroscience
- Hubert Lim, Ph.D., Department of Biomedical Engineering
Research Categories:
- Behavioral & Cognitive Neuroscience
- Neurodegenerative Diseases & Neural Injury
- Sylvain Lesne, Ph.D, Department of Neuroscience
- Walter Low, Ph.D, Department of Neurosurgery
- Stanley Thayer, Ph.D, Department of Pharmacology
- Esther Krook-Magnuson, Ph.D, Department of Neuroscience
Why Did You Choose MN?
Choosing which graduate school to attend is a complex decision. I chose to attend the University of Minnesota for my PhD in neuroscience because they had the greatest number of faculty with whom I wanted to work, rigorous coursework that looked actually relevant and interesting, and a supportive, fun group of graduate students that fostered the best atmosphere.
What Advice Would You Give a First Year Graduate Student?
Take an active role in your classes, research, and professional development.