Leigh Ann Mrotek

Ph.D. 2005

Thesis Title:

Influence of direction during target tracking

Current Position:

Clinical Trials Navigator, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Former Position:

Research Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, Marquette University

Major Advisor(s):

  • John Soechting
  • Martha Flanders

Selected Publications:

  • Mrotek LA. Following and intercepting scribbles: interactions between eye and hand control. Exp Brain Res. 2013;227(2):161-74.
  • Mrotek LA, Soechting JF. Target interception: hand-eye coordination and strategies. J Neurosci. 2007;27(27):7297-7309.
  • Mrotek LA, Soechting JF. Predicting curvilinear target motion through an occlusion. Exp Brain Res. 2007;178(1):99-114.
  • Mrotek LA, Flanders M, Soechting JF (2006) Oculomotor response to gradual changes in direction. Exp Brain Res. 2006;172(2):175-192.
  • Mrotek LA, Gielen CCAM, Flanders M. Manual tracking in three dimensions. Exp Brain Res. 2006;171(1), 99-115.
  • Flanders M, Mrotek LA, Gielen CCAM. Planning and drawing complex shapes. Exp Brain Res. 2006;171(1):116-128.
  • Soechting JF, Mrotek LA, Flanders M. Smooth pursuit tracking of an abrupt change in target direction:  Vector superposition of discrete responses. Exp Brain Res. 2005;160(1), 245-258.
  • Mrotek LA, Flanders M, Soechting JF. Interception of targets using brief directional cues. Exp Brain Res. 2004;156(1):94-103.
  • Mrotek LA, Hart BA, Schot PK, Fennigkoh L. Grip responses to object load perturbations are stimulus and phase sensitive. Exp Brain Res. 2004;155(4):413-420.
  • Soechting JF, Mrotek LA, Flanders M. Time constants in the perception of a change in the direction of motion in humans. Neurosci Lett. 2003;348(1):56-60.
  • Schot PK, Knutzen KM, Poole SM, Mrotek LA. Sit to stand performance of older adults following strength training. Res Q Exerc Sport. 2003;74(1):1-8.
Leigh Ann Mrotek